Finnish Accordion Concertos-levy Emma-Gaalan 2024 ehdokkaaksi!

“Keski-Pohjanmaan Kamariorkesterin ja Kokkolan Talviharmonikan tuottaman Accordion-levy tuo kuultavaksi ennen levyttämättömät Aulis Sallisen, Minna Leinosen ja Veli Kujalan harmonikkakonsertot.
Solisteina levyllä soittaa Antti Leinonen, Sonja Vertainen, Janne Valkeajoki ja Petteri Waris.
Keski-Pohjanmaan Kamariorkesteria johtaa Tomas Djupsjöpacka.”
The album “Finnish Accordion Concertos”, in which I play the second solo part of Aulis Sallinen’s “Duo Concertante” concerto together with Janne Valkeajoki, has been nominated for the classical album of the year at the Emma Awards in early March! The album can be listened to on spotify, youtube and of course purchased from KPKO and Alba’s online stores. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has been part of this journey and making the album!
“The Accordion album, produced by the Central Ostrobothnian Chamber Orchestra and the Kokkola Winter Accordion Festival, brings to life previously unreleased accordion concertos by Aulis Sallinen, Minna Leinonen and Veli Kujala.
The soloists on the album are Antti Leinonen, Sonja Vertainen, Janne Valkeajoki and Petteri Waris.
The Central Ostrobothnian Chamber Orchestra is conducted by Tomas Djupsjöpacka.”
New accordion concerto by Cecilia Damström got it’s premiere at the annual Kokkola Winter Accordion Festival on 16th of February. Yle Radio 1 broadcasted the concert live and you can listen to it from Yle Areena until 17.3 THANK YOU to everyone who made it such a wonderful experience!
“Top-notch at Kokkola Winter Accordion – “Permafrost” is a Supreme Masterpiece with Sonja Vertainen Shining as Soloist. The composition commissioned from Cecilia Damström by Kokkola Winter Accordion and the Ostrobothnian Chamber Orchestra stands out as a remarkable achievement from the composer.
Damström exhibits a remarkable command in handling the orchestra and exploring its sonic capabilities. At times, she seamlessly integrates the accordion into the string section, requiring meticulous focus to discern the origins of the sound. Naturally, the composition also allocates distinct solo segments for the accordion. In the second movement, Damström demonstrates the artistry of how a top-tier composer uses extended playing techniques: a tap of the wood side of the bow on the strings evokes imagery of a drop falling or a bubble bursting. The accordion has serene, heartrendingly beautiful, simple melodies in the tranquil second movement, melodies that one could listen to endlessly. And what an ending Damström presented!
Permafrost stands as a truly exquisite and masterful creation, impeccably crafted with no superfluous elements. Its accessibility is remarkable; making it a true pleasure to listen to. I dare say, it’s a musical gem that is bound to grace many stages in the years to come. The commission by Kokkola Winter Accordion and the Ostrobothnian Chamber Orchestra is an unsurpassed success!”
-Anni Saari/Keskipohjanmaa 20.2.2024

“Suomen Kulttuurirahaston Keski-Pohjanmaan rahastolta 6 kk työskentelyapuraha”
Palkeet puhkukoon ja nappulat natiskoon sillä vastaanotin huhtikuussa 6 kk taiteelliseen työskentelyyn tarkoitetun apurahan, huh! Apuraha menee konserttien ja erilaisten projektien toteuttamiseen etenkin Keski-Pohjanmaalla. Tarkemmat tiedot löydät konserttikalenteristani! Sain myös kunnian esiintyä apurahojen jakotilaisuudessa pianisti Teresa Myllykankaan kanssa. Ohjelmassa oli Astor Piazzollan “Adios Nonino” sekä sooloharmonikalle Jouni Kaipaisen tuotannosta “Gena”.
“6 months working grant from the Finnish Cultural Foundation”
In April I was honored and humbled to receive a 6 months working grant from The Finnish Cultural Foundation. This grant enables me to do concerts and projects full-time from next September on and mainly in the Central Ostrobothnia region. Thank you so much! You can find my upcoming concerts from my concert calendar. See you at the concerts!